Mindful Bohemian Blog

10 Habits of the Happiest People
Why some people are happy all the time? The happiest people have habits that raise the odds of feeling happy. Unhappy people have habits that result in less desirable feelings. It can be that simple. If you’re not as happy as you’d like, take a look at your habits...

10 Must Things To Stimulate True Personal Growth
Healthy personal growth can be objective for each of us because it encompasses many different aspects of life. Since we are all in our own place o...

How Changing Your Perspective Can Change Your Life
You are far more empowered in your life than you either realize or take advantage of, but your perspectives can hold you back. Our perspectives are the glasses that we wear to look at the world. More often than not, our life experiences and culture and, ultimately, how we translate them into beliefs become our perspectives. So, for example, my life experience with people in foreign countries when I have been traveling alone has been

Develop a Zen Attitude in 3 Easy Ways
For most of us consumed by the responsibilities of social living, finding peace is a distant dream, but it is definitely not a task. Keep in mind that you are the only entity that you can control fully. Your actions, thoughts, and feelings can be easily controlled and changed as you please. What you cannot control despite best efforts is what other people think or do. So, keep your...